Ian Porritt
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Amateur astronomer helping discover new exoplanets using gravitational microlensing
Member Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies https://www.explorescu.org/
UFO UAP phenomena commentator
Following the data no matter where it goes
Encouraging scientific rigor

About me
Senior Portfolio Analysts at a New Zealand research centre
Amateur astronomer helping discover new exoplanets using gravitational microlensing
Member Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies https://www.explorescu.org/
UFO UAP phenomena commentator
Proud kiwi - Believe we need to work together and do the right thing to help build a strong society in Aotearoa
UFO and UAP (UAP - Unidentified Arial Phenomena)
Over the past few years there has been very some interesting developments around UAP disclosure coming out of the United States. Very senior people with the US political and intelligence community are taking this topic seriously and pushing for great disclosure and transparency. There is some very interesting data supporting the fact that UAP phenomenon needs serious investigation.
I believe we need to open our minds to new possibilities, but it needs to be supported by data.
Don’t accept every wild theory out there on any side of the argument – confirm the facts as best you can.
Apply scientific rigor to the information and don't jump to conclusions, don't run ahead of the facts, or believe everything you’re told.
There is a lot of incorrect information out there, created for a lot of different reasons.
A lot of it is miss identification, miss information, fakes, spinning of the truth to make some money or sell a book, so check the fact to make sure they are true

Picture of me at the Durie Hill Whanganui tunnel in New Zealand